fyi (for your information) this is true but the goverment figured out we never went to the moon the video of armstrong was fake, it was secretly filmed in Area 51 (america) how do i know look at the video if there is no gravity in space how was the flag neil armstrong planted into the moon start swaying and moving without gravity and such small air so ask yourself did we go there or (didnt we)
Are you sure we went to the moon 25 years ago?
Are you positive?
Millions of Americans believe the moon landings may have been a US$25 billion swindle, perpetrated by NASA with the latest in communications technology and the best in special effects. Wired plunges into the combat zone between heated conspiracy believers and exasperated NASA officials.
By Rogier van Bakel
This web page will show how, and where NASA faked the lunar approach, lunar orbit, lunar landing, and lunar take off, for all the Apollo Moon landing video's. Contrary to what many believe, the sequences were not shot in a desert, Hollywood studio, or Area 51. There may have been the odd picture taken at Area 51, and a few Apollo pictures that were taken in some remote desert, but the majority of stills and video were performed at Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia. Scientist's at NASA knew in the early 60's that a manned mission to the Moon was impossible within 8 years, and a plan to fake the Moon landings was put into operation. NASA's fake Moon pictures were taken at various locations such as KSC, JSC, LRC, and of course the odd one or two desert locations. I would also like to point out to that the art of faking both still photographs, and movie film is as old as photography and film itself. The 1930's film "King Kong" showed a huge gorilla scaling up the Empire State building. If it's on film are we led to believe it's real? No of course not, but that is exactly what PAN's, (Pro Apollo Nutters) are claiming. Their ridiculous debunking claim is that digital manipulation of photographs and film was not available back in the 1960's, but they did not have digital artifacts back in 1930 when the film "King Kong" was made.
According to Bobby Braun and other NASA officials the idea was to teach the astronauts how to land a rocket propelled LM. However NO ROCKET POWERED LM WAS EVER SUSPENDED FROM THIS CRANE. In any case anyone with the slightest gumption knows that it is IMPOSSIBLE to control a rocket engine. If the PAN's disagree, then perhaps they could direct me to a video or film showing how the feat was, or could be accomplished. The landings were controlled purely by traverse and lowering of the LM in the same way as a conventional crane.
We now go inside the Langley Research Center complex itself to see how they faked the lunar approach and close orbit of the Moon's surface. We've all seen the film supposedly taken from the LM as it approached the Moon, and then begin to orbit. The speed at which it changes from approach to lunar orbit is utterly ridiculous, as any craft traveling at that speed would crash straight into the Moon. No one could control a craft in such as way as shown in the film, and in reality no one did.
842008年05月24日 19:06
This final picture shows Charlie Duke (pointing), and John Young, at the simulator controls for lunar approach/orbit. The picture on TV screen is reminiscent of the pictures we saw on our TV screens.
We were told it was the Moon, but the picture showing on TV screen in photograph is not the Moon. It is a camera filming the plaster paris model of Moon.
Both John Young and Charlie Duke were heavily involved in faking of the Apollo Moon missions.
Picture left shows TWO astroNOTS on the Moon, meaning someone else took the picture. If that's not the case, then it shows how easily it is to paste another object onto an existing photograph. In the case of NASA they paste false background scenes onto photographs taken here on planet Earth.
Even I can be wrong at times. I assumed that the Rover was a dog, and have been examining the photo's looking for evidence of paw prints. No such luck, however I uncovered the picture on right which clearly shows a moggy on the Moon. The soft ash, or charcoal which they used at LRC to create the FAKE dusty Moon surface was, of course, ideal for cats. As we all know cats like a soft, fine soil to do their "turn out" as it makes it easier for them to scrap it over afterwards. The local cats near to LRC must have been in 7th heaven finding such a purrfect place in which to do their thing. NASA staff must have spent a considerable amount of time scraping the cat shit of the astroNOTS Moon boots.
What's equally ridiculous about this picture is that it shows the LM to be in WIDE OPEN SPACE, ie, flat open plain land, however in the picture below left, which is also the Apollo 15 mission, LM is shown to be surrounded by towering mountains and undulating hills.
These two pictures 'cap it all'. Picture left shows LM surrounded by high mountains. This does not match with previous wide pan shot which shows LM to be situated in wide open plains with NO hills. NASA claim photo right is a 'relatively fresh crater' somewhere else on the Moon, yet both pictures have the SAME BACKDROP. Yes the LM has disappeared yet again in right hand picture. As for the 'relatively fresh crater' it is indeed "relatively fresh", because it is the fake crater which NASA created a few months before picture was taken.
>Picture left shows TWO astroNOTS on the Moon, meaning someone else took the picture.
This writer seems to have no knowledge about self-portraiting equipments such as the self-timer or the tripod, both of which had been existing from early 1920s.
In the 1970's many people worldwide had serious doubt that the Moon landings were for real, but there was no material available upon which to base an investigation, other than the few photo's in a limited number of fictional/fantasy books which endorsed Apollo.
It was the INTERNET which brought about the full expose of NASA's 40 year scam, as people worldwide now have almost full access to NASA's web site pictures, and can see for themselves how the pictures have been doctored with false backgrounds. Before 1995 it was not possible to see these pictures, however all are now available.